Monday, November 5, 2012

What's that smell?!?!?!

So, for those of you familiar with shelter/rescue contagions, you'll appreciate this tidbit.....

When I was first taken out of the shelter (my brother and I), we were both pretty ill. She worked really hard to get us well. Everything from sub q fluids, B12 / B complex, antibiotics, etc. Prior to humom having us, she had something called a "clean" house in the rescue circles. "Clean" means that she's never had anything that perpetuates itself over and over with each new incoming group. Well that all changed pretty quickly. Even with quarantine procedures / designated areas, things still happen. While she is still feline distemper free (knock on wood) it appears my brother and I brought in ringworm. Ringworm is pretty common in high population situations and due to my longer hair it wasn't noticed right away. Since my arrival humom has had cat after cat get the fungus and while it's easily treated, it's still a pain in the tookas!! When a cat gets it, it cannot attend adoptions due to the contagious nature. So, humom reached a boiling point yesterday. Her 7 itty bitty Maine Coon babies now have it. She went so far as to Lime/Sulfur dip 12 cats. Talk about stink!!!! OMG!! I've never smelt anything so bad in all my life. It turned the white kitties orange!! Humom actually threw away the clothes she was wearing to do it. Hudad helped and they accomplished this feat on the outside back deck with a heated drying cage but those babies still stink!!! I will not step foot near the kitten room!!! I hope this helps! According to humom, short of burning the house to the ground, now that it's here it could pop up at any time on any cat. I feel horrible....but supposedly this it an initiation that was bound to happen sooner or later. Just so happens it was me that gave the "gift that keeps on giving".....and she's still keeping me?!?!

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