Monday, November 26, 2012

Turkey Day is Over! Impending Surgery.....

So let me start by saying Turkey is da bomb!!! I ate so much I think I slept for 2 days straight......We still have tons, so I imagine I'll be eating more :)

We had 6 guests here for Turkey day. Luckily they were all cat people so I got fawned over like mad. The only kids that got more attention than me were mom's foster litter of Maine Coons. Their still babies so it's understandable. I'm getting a bit bigger so I'm apparently loosing a bit of my baby cuteness.

Wednesday is the big day. Phase 1 of my 2 part surgery to repair my left eye is happening. My right one was of no use to me as it had ruptured when I was a baby, so it's already been removed. My left eye, although it is small and underdeveloped, does have some function. The problem is due to the size and it being deep set, my 3rd eyelid obstructs what eyesight I have. Plus I have virtually no upper eyelid, so I have fur in my eye constantly.  This surgery is supposed to correct all that. It's effectively the same surgery my brother just finished having. While he was miserable for 3 weeks (as he says) living in a cone, he's very happy not to have the eye pain anymore. I guess that means I have something to look forward to......

Humom is a little stressed, she's worried I won't be okay being segregated from the others in my own room for awhile. I'll be lonely I'm sure but the end result is worth it right? Everyone cross your fingers for me.... I'll do my best to avoid pain med blogging and tweeting....although it could be entertaining :P

Almost forgot....Phoebe, one of the Russian Blue sisters was adopted on Saturday. We have (as a group) 15 more coming in on Tuesday. We'll see how many humom brings home :)

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