Thursday, November 15, 2012

Been a little bit...The Holidays (whatever that means)

Sorry, it's been a little bit since my last post. Things have been pretty hectic here. Humom also hasn't been feeling to well so the computer hasn't been on/out much. I'm not sure what's going on, but from my perspective humom has been down. Not ill, just kinda bummed. I overheard her and hudad talking about the Holidays (not that I know what that is) and she seemed to pinpoint that as the problem. I hope she cheers up soon, I don't like seeing her like this. I spend a lot of time nuzzling her as it seems to help.

So the Ringworm babies are getting better finally. After two sulfur dips (boy do they stink) it appears they all may now be on the road to recovery. The poor little babies. One is missing most of it's fur along the back. Humom says she's never seen one this bad. I'm just crossing my fingers they'll be ready for alter soon. This way they can make the adoption rush before the holidays.

So what exactly is "the Holidays". I understand it means food....but I don't really grasp the whole thing. I mean why get together with family that you don't have anything to do with throughout the year?? I mean you obviously don't like these people otherwise you'd see them more often right? We cats have it made. I mean once we leave the nest so to speak, we never see our families again (unless of course we end up in a home with our siblings/parent). I feel sorry for people and the obligation they feel to keep these strange traditions.

We're actually having a Thanksgiving party sorta. None of the people coming to our house are blood related. Several are other volunteers with the rescue and the others are friends of humom. Sad fact is that us four-legged kids will have to be put up for a good part of the day. Humom says she doesn't trust us to be free with all the food out. I guess I can understand that since most of us are young and have no manners. From what I understand of the arrangement the kittens (under 10 weeks) will be in the kitten room. The teenagers will be relegated to the downstairs bonus room with a couple adults. Myself and the rest will be in the master bedroom. What fun that will be. Luckily everyone coming here will be cat people so I'm sure some of us will get a reprieve sooner or later.  Humom has also promised us all turkey as a bribe for being good that day :) Never had turkey but I hear it's all the rage.

So in closing this entry..... I understand the holidays can be rough for some and I wish everyone a pleasant day. Don't let the family annoy you to much and eat till you can't eat anymore. Happy early Thanksgiving to everyone!!!!

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