Friday, November 16, 2012

Met my first dog today...what fun.

So humom took me to some place today to pick out my harness. I hate this flippin thing and before it's over I'm gonna chew right through it I swear. Humom says I have to wear it and get used to it because when I have my eye surgery on the 28th they will be attaching something called and e-collar to it. Guess that means I'll have the same rig my brother has been wearing for the last 3 weeks. Yipee!! I'm excited......NOT!!

So while we are there, I smelt something funny and started struggling to get free of humom to check it out. Finally she sat down on the floor holding me and let me get close to the origin of the smell. Whatever it was breathed on me and I wigged totally out. I started hissing, growling and struggling to get loose. Humom had to put me back in my carrier cause I was so worked up. She told me later that it was a nice dog and that he wouldn't have hurt me as he liked cats. Well, I don't care if he liked cats or not, he smelled funny..........

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