Friday, November 2, 2012

Naner, Naner Naner

I spent the better part of the morning tormenting the babies. These guys are all under 10 weeks old. The majority came from one local shelter (the same shelter humom rescued me from). There are 13 in there. Humom put up baby gates so she could leave the door open for better heat circulation in the house. Otherwise, that room gets terribly cold and she has to keep a closed oil heater in there. I wanted mom to let them out to play, but they are kinda small. One did escape the other day and the adults chased him into a corner (playing) so he was easy to find:) I imagine they can't stay out because they might get into places where we would never find them. This room is technically the kitten room's all set up with everything that would entertain a kitten for days......


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