Thursday, March 7, 2013

Foster changes!

Today was a busy one!! Humom took Momma Zoe to the Vet just to make sure everything was good with her and her munchkin. She checked out fine! While in town Humom got the call about 4 orphans dropped at a local shelter. According to the info these guys were really young. She mentioned trying a couple on Zoe since she lost 2 of her babies and could support more than the one she had. Humom hung around and waited to meet the 4 orphans.

Zoe did great!! She accepted the 2 smallest of the orphans. The sad thing was these little darlings may have been 2-3 days old. They still had cords!! They were brought into the animal shelter without the mom and just dropped off! How sad!! They were terribly cold and hungry! The two with Zoe may not make it but they latched on right away and Zoe treated them as they were her own.

Sad for humom, Zoe transferred to another foster home this evening. This was so humom could take another pregnant mom that is about ready to burst. This new girl is so ready to pop her milk is already fully in. She could give birth any minute now. She can be watched on the link that was Zoe's cam from the previous blog post. She is also yet to be named......

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