Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Another Pregnant Mom

So, we had another pregnant mom join us yesterday. Humom named this girl Nutmeg. She's a gorgeous Torti with a pretty sad story. I'm sure there is more to it than what Humom has been told but the gist of the story was that the owner was just going to dump her "out".

When humom went to meet the lady (friend of the owner supposedly) in a public place yesterday, she had no idea what to expect. The only reason she went was because another volunteer called to ask if she could take this mom in. All Humom was told was that the owner had this pregnant mom and 4 other 1 year olds that she was not willing to take to a shelter and was ready to just dump them. According to other info, the pregnant mom just keeps having litters because they had not spayed her and she was around un-altered males. Additionally, the woman that handed her over informed that she refuses to use a litter box and had to be let outside to do her business. So in other words this kitty has probably spent most of her life raising litter after litter thus far. The only question the lady surrendering the cat asked was, "she's not going to a shelter right?"

Nutmeg doesn't appear to be too old. Humom is guessing 2-3 at most. She's also super friendly for the most part. She's a wee bit stressed being so pregnant and being in a new environment though. She keeps trying to escape the room humom gave her. When she tried yesterday humom used her foot to block her path and got chomped on.

Now she understand this was as a result of stress and isn't angry at Nutmeg for it. Then this morning when humom attempted to leave the room again after cleaning, Nutmeg bit her finger. We're all hoping the biting stops once she calms down and acclimates to her new space.

Humom also set up a live feed for this girl called "Nutmeg Cam" and the link can be found on the right side of this blog. 

Don't forget about Calypso and her 2 munchkins (now 10 days old) and Guinevere and her 5 (now almost 4 weeks old). Guinevere's kids are starting to show interest in mom's food and are starting to wrestle with one another....so cute!!!

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