Sunday, March 10, 2013

Foster - Baby updates

New Momma we got on Thursday was named Spice. Unfortunately, due to a naming conflict, we ended up going with our backup name of Calypso.

Calypso (the gorgeous Torti) started nesting, stretching, etc at around 10pm Friday. She had her fist kitten at 4am Saturday. This little ginger is really strong and doing great. Unfortunately Calypso's second baby was a breach birth. Humom was there and helped to get the baby out, but it did not make it. Her 3rd baby had a situation that is seen even in human births. The poor little thing had it's insides (abdominal parts attached to umbilical) actually on the outside and was not breathing at birth. So Calypso only has the one biological kitten that is now 1.5 days old.

Because we as a group still had 2 newborn orphans not on a mom, and were bottle feeding, we discussed and decided to try them with Calypso. Unfortunately, when we spoke to the bottle feeder we found they were not doing well and one had actually not survived. The second one has been accepted by Calypso and is doing well. Still tiny at 4 days old but getting stronger.

Calypso's kittens (bio and orphan) have already been named. Ginger is "wiggle" and Tabby is "bean"

Momma Guinevere is doing fabulous with her 5 munchkins. We plan to upgrade her cam today for better images of her and babies. These guys turn 3 weeks old in a few days. These guys have not yet been named.

The four little black kittens at 9 weeks are doing well also. Two (Ace and Vadar) have already been pre-adopted and will got to their forever homes next Saturday. Fang and Tango still have a bit more weight to gain :)

That just leaves, Sybil (adult Torti-point Siamese), Azure (adult Russian Blue that mom found as stray) and Mandolin. All are available for adoption, and all are still doing well.

That sums up our current house guests at the moment. Things change quickly around here :)

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