Monday, October 29, 2012

Suitcase Surprise :)

I tried desperately to sneak in hudad's suitcase. I used every possible sneaky trick I have. While he was off packing up his toiletries, I tried snuggling in under his clothes. He found me right away. I don't know where he's off to, but I wanna go with him. He leaves every week and I only get to see him on the weekends. Humom seems okay with it. She does complain once in awhile but not terribly often. The alpha of the house, Taz, which is hudad's cat primarily, told me he's been trying to catch a ride in the suitcase for years. I'm smaller, I should be able to pull it off. Could you imagine his face when he gets where he's headed and opens his suitcase?? I bet he would be so happy to see me!! He'd be so over joyed I'd get tuna for sure!! I have to figure out a more stealthy way to get in there. Maybe his CPAP bag is the trick.....I'll have to try that next time.

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