Monday, October 22, 2012


Why won't these furry things hold still??? I hear them and I try to swat them, but I keep missing. Don't they get I'm blind??? There are so many of them you'd think I could at least hit one. They come and go.....the numbers are always changing. Last I heard Humom say was that 12 are still to small for altering and can't be adopted yet, 1 is sick, 1 is scheduled for pretty extensive eye surgery, 9 get dragged somewhere every Saturday for adoptions, 4 never leave and appear to be permanent residents....then there is me....

Humom told me she found me in a shelter on 7/30/2012. She said I was about 15 weeks old at the time. There were 2 of us and since I've been with this other boy as far back as I can remember, I think we're siblings. Humom says we look nothing alike though so our mother must have not been very discriminating :) According to humom he is a Lynx Point Siamese. He's also the one scheduled for the extensive eye surgery. He's lucky, he has some vision. His issue is he has no upper eyelids so his fur is always in his eyes. This 2 part surgery is supposed to correct that. Humom says when he's recovered he will also go up for adoption. Apparently my brother and I had some kind of infection at birth. It appears that I got the worst of it as I'm mostly blind. I'm truly glad humom rescued us. I cannot imagine what would have happened had we stayed in that cage at the shelter for much longer. I just wonder what humom plans to do with me........

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