Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Exciting day so far :)

So humom was up before dawn this morning. That's very unusual for her. Last night she did something extra weird too. She took my brother and put him in a room all by himself. This is the room we first lived in when we came here. Humom called it quarantine. My brother of course serenaded all night because I had to sit at the door and antagonize him. I think if humom could have strangled us both she would have. Between me and my brother and several teenagers running around, I doubt humom got much sleep.

So when humom got up this morning she wasn't particularly happy. She took me and my brother and placed us in a small bag like structure. Last time I was in one of these we went to see someone called an ophthalmologist. It appears that was today's agenda as well. We were in motion for what felt like forever, but since I have no real sense of time it could have been only an hour. The nice ophthalmologist examined me again. I've been trying to tell humom for months that I can make out shapes and see light/dark from my remaining eye but she's been ignoring me. Finally a professional agrees. This is great news!!!

We're back home now, without my brother, as he's having some kind of surgery today. It's phase one of a process to be completed on 11/5. I'll get to see him later when humom picks him up. I'll then get to antagonize him through the door again :)

Humom is still a little upset. She called hudad and told him that they needed to talk. She said in order to save my remaining eye, I need surgery like what my brother is having. This surgery is pretty expensive and she's pretty sure she can't afford it. The problem is that technically I'm a rescue kitty. I still belong to the rescue and humom and hudad have been struggling with keeping me. Humom says she doesn't feel right having the rescue pay for my surgery for her to then decide she's not letting me get adopted. She also doesn't think her and hudad can afford the surgery. She's struggling with what to do.....I want to stay with humom, but I also need the surgery to save my eye. Now I understand why she's so upset.......

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