Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Thought I'd show you guys my house mates!! Humom is officially the CCL!!!!

All humom's kids are rescues!
First let's start with the permanent residents:
Barney (newest besides me)

Gossamer (Doll Face Persian - rescued from breeder/hoarder)
Taz (oldest)

Next we have the rescue kids / those available for adoption:



Mr Fluffy
Mr Magoo (my brother)
Foxy (right) Moxy (Left)
Genghis Khan
All 7 Maine Coons Together

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

My fate is decided :)

Just wanted to let everyone know.....humom and hudad have made their intentions to keep me known with the rescue group. They are now working to save the money for my eye surgery. If all goes well, I might have it before Christmas. In the meantime, humom keeps lubricant in my eye to minimize the cornea damage from my fur rubbing it. They told me they couldn't morally remove what little sight I have and that since I'm their kid now they will do whatever it takes to make my surgery happen. This is terrific news!! I am truly lucky!!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Suitcase Surprise :)

I tried desperately to sneak in hudad's suitcase. I used every possible sneaky trick I have. While he was off packing up his toiletries, I tried snuggling in under his clothes. He found me right away. I don't know where he's off to, but I wanna go with him. He leaves every week and I only get to see him on the weekends. Humom seems okay with it. She does complain once in awhile but not terribly often. The alpha of the house, Taz, which is hudad's cat primarily, told me he's been trying to catch a ride in the suitcase for years. I'm smaller, I should be able to pull it off. Could you imagine his face when he gets where he's headed and opens his suitcase?? I bet he would be so happy to see me!! He'd be so over joyed I'd get tuna for sure!! I have to figure out a more stealthy way to get in there. Maybe his CPAP bag is the trick.....I'll have to try that next time.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Tail up all the time

So, everyone keeps commenting on the fact that my tail is raised all the time, is it really that odd? Had another human mention it again yesterday. It's comfortable for me and I like it. I always have a little spring in my step and a bit of a prance going on.What can I say I'm just a happy cat. There was a time when my fate was unknown and I didn't particularly feel very well most days. Now that I'm healthy, get fed well, have a nice warm home with lots of love, why not strut my stuff? Apparently the humans are enthralled.....just another of my endearing qualities :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Exciting day so far :)

So humom was up before dawn this morning. That's very unusual for her. Last night she did something extra weird too. She took my brother and put him in a room all by himself. This is the room we first lived in when we came here. Humom called it quarantine. My brother of course serenaded all night because I had to sit at the door and antagonize him. I think if humom could have strangled us both she would have. Between me and my brother and several teenagers running around, I doubt humom got much sleep.

So when humom got up this morning she wasn't particularly happy. She took me and my brother and placed us in a small bag like structure. Last time I was in one of these we went to see someone called an ophthalmologist. It appears that was today's agenda as well. We were in motion for what felt like forever, but since I have no real sense of time it could have been only an hour. The nice ophthalmologist examined me again. I've been trying to tell humom for months that I can make out shapes and see light/dark from my remaining eye but she's been ignoring me. Finally a professional agrees. This is great news!!!

We're back home now, without my brother, as he's having some kind of surgery today. It's phase one of a process to be completed on 11/5. I'll get to see him later when humom picks him up. I'll then get to antagonize him through the door again :)

Humom is still a little upset. She called hudad and told him that they needed to talk. She said in order to save my remaining eye, I need surgery like what my brother is having. This surgery is pretty expensive and she's pretty sure she can't afford it. The problem is that technically I'm a rescue kitty. I still belong to the rescue and humom and hudad have been struggling with keeping me. Humom says she doesn't feel right having the rescue pay for my surgery for her to then decide she's not letting me get adopted. She also doesn't think her and hudad can afford the surgery. She's struggling with what to do.....I want to stay with humom, but I also need the surgery to save my eye. Now I understand why she's so upset.......

Monday, October 22, 2012


Why won't these furry things hold still??? I hear them and I try to swat them, but I keep missing. Don't they get I'm blind??? There are so many of them you'd think I could at least hit one. They come and go.....the numbers are always changing. Last I heard Humom say was that 12 are still to small for altering and can't be adopted yet, 1 is sick, 1 is scheduled for pretty extensive eye surgery, 9 get dragged somewhere every Saturday for adoptions, 4 never leave and appear to be permanent residents....then there is me....

Humom told me she found me in a shelter on 7/30/2012. She said I was about 15 weeks old at the time. There were 2 of us and since I've been with this other boy as far back as I can remember, I think we're siblings. Humom says we look nothing alike though so our mother must have not been very discriminating :) According to humom he is a Lynx Point Siamese. He's also the one scheduled for the extensive eye surgery. He's lucky, he has some vision. His issue is he has no upper eyelids so his fur is always in his eyes. This 2 part surgery is supposed to correct that. Humom says when he's recovered he will also go up for adoption. Apparently my brother and I had some kind of infection at birth. It appears that I got the worst of it as I'm mostly blind. I'm truly glad humom rescued us. I cannot imagine what would have happened had we stayed in that cage at the shelter for much longer. I just wonder what humom plans to do with me........