Sunday, June 16, 2013

Wow..What a week!

This week was just CRAZY!

We had over 20 temporary houseguests from Monday-Saturday. Humom is exhausted!!!!

We just now updated the camera feeds! They've been down for awhile because we did some re-arranging.

We've put the 20 2lb kitties in a big room where they can run and play all they want. Humom can go lie on the bed and watch tv with her babies!!

The 2 other cameras are the remaining little ones. There are 9 in one and 8 in the other including 2 siamese/ragdoll mixes (so cute!!).

We also still have the three adults (Sybil, Calypso, and Nutmeg). Nutmeg leaves us next Sunday for a great barn home. Calypso is now up for adoption along with Sybil. Sybil has become such a great girl. She's so bonded to humom!!! She's also my new playmate. She's come a long way since she arrived!!!

Sad news however, humom is leaving rescue temporarily later this year. Looks like we're going to be making a big move after the first of the year. Humom will have to stop after this years kitten season  (Sept/Oct) in order to prepare for the move. Hopefully she can find a good group where we're moving so she can start volunteering again when we get there.

Figuring out how she's going to move us kids should be entertaining :)

Hope everyone had a wonderful dad's day today! Keep purring ya'll!!!!

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