Monday, November 4, 2013

RIP Baby Kaylee

This little girl had the odds stacked against her from the very beginning. Abandoned by her mom, found at 2-3days old, you had a very rough start. I'm happy we got to meet you and spend 8 weeks with you. 

You presence was a blessing and your spirit will not be forgotten. <Sad Ears> throughout our home today. 

Friday, November 1, 2013

Lots of Changes......Excitement, Apprehension, etc

Sorry there hasn't been an update in awhile.........

Humom is retiring from the local rescue she has been volunteering with for many years. It's sad, but she is preparing for a big cross country move. The plan is to be in Las Vegas by the end of Feb 2014.

Over the last several months many of our foster babies have been adopted. Some were transferred to other fosters and we are down to only 13 non permanent residents (from at one point over 60).

We currently have:
Momma Lucy and her 5 little ones (now 6 weeks old) who are still on a momma cam at
Kaylee (came to us as a 3 day old orphan) who is now almost 7 weeks old
Hershey (came to us at 5 weeks old, found wandering a parking lot by himself) who is now 11 weeks old
And 5 of our older ones, been with us a little while (Pearl, Duskie, Edan, Ochre and Liquorice). Some of these guys were born here and are now almost 7 months old.

Due to transition, most of our fosters will be leaving our care over the next month or so. Humom has several trips schedueled out to Vegas for house shopping. I'm sure she'll find a new volunteer oppurtunity once moved.....or should I say the oppurtunity will find her :)

Humom is seriously thinking about keeping on of the older kids. She's worried about moving the 6 of us across the country but if any of the older ones could handle it that would be Duskie. Humom says she doesn't have a black kitty and he would be perfect. He's such a love and very much what she calls and empathy kitty. This boy she can drape across her neck and wear him like a scarf.

Another interesting this is I've been turned into a traveling gnome. Yes, there is a flat "Samson" now that gets to go on all these trips and even travel with dad. In the last couple weeks I've been to Las Vegas and Milwaukee (twice). Next week I have Houston, week after Chicago and then back to Vegas. My flat me is having way more fun :(

I think that pretty much covers the latest..... I'll leave you with a picture of flat me in Vegas being arrested for possession of catnip :)