Sunday, May 12, 2013

Crazy Week - emergency surgery for humom

Okay so Hudad was home this week and for some reason Humom disappeared Tuesday night and did not return until Friday afternoon. When she got home she was laid up and on meds. Hudad had to take care of all of us for the several days she was gone and is still doing most of our care now that she's home. We were all clueless as to what was going on.....

Heard hudad explaining what happened and while I'm still not 100% sure of the details I now know humom went to the ER on Tuesday night, was admitted and rushed into surgery at 4:30am on Weds. According to what I've been able to find out, she had something called a bowel obstruction. Apparently this isn't terribly uncommon in gastric bypass patients. Even though humom has been doing really well (2 years out from the bypass), she had a blockage that was past the point of non-surgical removal methods. She's going to be fine, but is on limited activity for the next 4 weeks.

Hudad did an awesome job of caring for us! We are very lucky that he was in town this week. I'm sure Humom feels the same way!!! If he hadn't been here (off on one of his business trips) things could have been really bad.

Hudad took Delilah in for her 2nd phase of Surgery, got Wiggle to his acupuncture appointment, kept us clean and fed while all the while seeing to humom. We can't thank him enough!!! We also can't tell him how much we appreciate his willingness to care for all of us. He could have easily called the rescue that humom volunteers for and said he couldn't manage it. Instead he took all of humoms fosters as his own and did a fabulous job!!! Humom is a very, very lucky woman!!!

Fosters update:
Kilo has gone to her forever home
Cashmere has been spayed and transferred to another foster
Calypso went in for spay but instead came home with 5 orphans (all grey/white) 2 weeks old
Added another semi-feral mom (Possum) with her 4 gingers 6 weeks old
Added 3 from a local shelter (flame point Siamese and 2 ginger tabbies) 7 weeks old

Humom is now drowning in Gingers!!!! Squee!!!!!