Thursday, February 28, 2013

News Flash...New Fosters in da house!!

     So the past Saturday humom brought home a little runt. This darling little black kitty was part of a litter of 4. He wasn't thriving in his foster placement and was much smaller than his 3 brothers. He was throwing up and experiencing some intestinal distress. Since humom brought him home he's doing well. Eating like a pig and no longer throwing up, etc. We believe his issue might have been tapeworms as he was treated for them Saturday and has been doing well since. His original foster mom had named him bullet....but because this little guy was so ravenous he bites chins, noses, ears, etc; humom has renamed him "Fang". He's 7 weeks old and just over 1 lb.

     Today Humom got and email asking for a volunteer to take on a pregnant mom. Humom jumped at the oppurtunity. This new girl she got tonight is just the sweetest. Her name is Zoe. A nice family found her approx 59 days ago. They took her in and made her a part of their family. She got vet care right away and is very healthy. She has a home.... Her new mom noticed she was gaining a lot of weight very fast and took her to the Vet a second time. They discovered she was pregnant. Doing the math on the length of time since she was found, she's due any day now. The family that found her brought her to rescue to give birth and raise her kittens. When she's all done she goes back to her new family to live a long, happy life. She's believed to be only 8 months old. This will be her first and only litter! We have our fingers crossed for a smooth delivery.

     Humom is also slated to receive another mom Saturday. This mom has 5 10 days old kittens. It's about to get really, really, busy here....